I am using HereLink for my devices and I have 1 set from first batch and 1 set from the second batch.
I can use the one arrived last week (2nd Beta) without no issues but when I upload my version of QGC it stops connecting to the device.
On the other hand when I install it (my version of QGC) to the old one (1st Beta) it works fine.
Did not make any firmware updates on 1st Beta set.
→ Did not flashed firmware to neither AirUnit nor Ground Unit under that link : https://docs.cubepilot.org/user-guides/herelink/firmware-releases#v-0-2-2
I am working on the QGC version on github :
(Which has got last update 7 months ago)
How can I get the latest source code for QGC?
Any other suggestions but making the necessary changes again to the latest QGC source code?
After i downloaded the code from cubepilot github page, i got camera_id compilation errors. 'mavlink_video_stream_information_t' has no member named 'camera_id' int streamID () { return _streamInfo.camera_id; } //_streamInfo.stream_id; }.
Thats why i changed camera_id to stream_id and compiled. All other functions are working fine except camera. All video source options are visible and Auto Video Stream option is selected.
There is no video stream problem on herelink’s built in qgroundcontrol application.
mavlink_video_stream_information_t struct in /libs/mavlink/include/mavlink/v2.0/common/ mavlink_video_stream_information.h file doesn’t include camera_id member. But when i compare old version of mavlink submodule it includes that parameter. Which version of mavlink am i supposed to use ?
The compatible mavlink c library repo is already linked to the qgroundcontrol repository. are you doing git submodule sync and git submodule update --init --recursive?
Hi all! I am trying to get the custom build of the herelink qgroundcontrol running, but I get the error: unknown type name ‘MAV_CMD’ , code is taken from here GitHub - CubePilot/qgroundcontrol-herelink . The normal build is working, just the custom one not. Does anyone know which actions should be taken to make it work? Thanks!