Radio disappeared from cube orange+ standard

Show a photo of the receiver connected to the flight controller

Reciever is connected to RCIN, (I currently have it disassembled), and I am connected to the computer via usb through the usb/buzzer dongle

I attached a different radio and got it to work, but now I can’t get the reverse pins (aux 5 and 6) to change states. I’m set up for "brushed with relay, I’ve set relay1 for 5 and relay2 for 6, set servo 13 to gpio, tried setting the relays for 7 and 8, and cannot get any response. All of the settings are in the previous post.

You set the RELAYx_PIN to one of the following AUX output values

  • Aux1 = 50
  • Aux2 = 51
  • Aux3 = 52
  • Aux4 = 53
  • Aux5 = 54
  • Aux6 = 55

Then you set SERVO9_FUNCTION (Aux1) to -1 for GPIO
and so on for any more required relay outputs:

Much thanks! Will try this tomorrow

Servo 13 and 14 are set to gpio, and don’t get any reverse outputs
Relay 5 set to 5 - brushed w/relay motor1
Relay 6 set to 6 - brushed with relay motor2
I’ve also tried setting them to 7 and 8 - motors 3 and 4. No luck.

I imagine you should use something like this. I’m a Copter guy so not as familiar with Rover.

RELAY1_FUNCTION,5       // left motor reverse
RELAY1_PIN,54           // use Aux5
RELAY2_FUNCTION,6       // right motor reverse
RELAY2_PIN,55           // use Aux6
SERVO1_FUNCTION,73      // left motor PWM
SERVO2_FUNCTION,74      // left motor PWM
SERVO13_FUNCTION,-1     // Aux5 set to GPIO
SERVO14_FUNCTION,-1     // Aux6 set to GPIO

You could use different relay numbers if you like, but they dont have to match the AUX channel number.