Serial 5 console?

I’ve got one Cube orange and a couple of blacks I was going to install an SF45/B scanning lidar for obstacle avoidance and LW20 for terrain following. I was wondering if serial 5 was available via the console pins. Can’t seem to get it working. I’ve heard mention That it was free to use and others have said there’s no functionality lol! The problem I have is serial 3 is my main GPS, serial 1 is Herelink telemetry, serial 2 for the SF45/B lidar and serial 4 for is using a second GPS. I can use the I2C for the LW20, but it’s not the best idea.

If you have the standard carrier board with ADSB receiver built in, then serial 5 is not available.
If you use another carrier board then you can use serial 5