Solex - false warning?

Hi everyone

I have the battery aircraft set for 25.2V max and 21.9V min.

With 100% charged batteries I take a short flight (for example 2 minutes) and land. At the next restart, Solex tells me that it has low batteries to fly even if at rest they are for example at 24V and under load, tripically, 23.3V that is well beyond the threshold of attention

It’s normal? thank you

Can you check the battery failsafe settings from Mission Planner?

Hi Alvin

the Warning BATT_LOW_VOLT is set to 22V (actrion: none) and the
BATT_CRT_VOLT at 21.7V (action: land)

Everything seems normal but at the end of each flight there is the voice message of - battery too low to fly - (I don’t literally remember the message but the meaning is this) even after a flight of 30 seconds

Does battery monitor works normally in Mission Planner? Like does the voltage reading displayed on HUD show the correct voltage value?

how much battery voltage set for failsafe (6s lipo)

Hi Ajeet

the Low and Critical parameters are as indicated in the post. Like FS_THR_VALUE it is 975uS (well below the minimum throttle… 127us of difference from the minimum throttle ) and works perfectly; if there is no RC signal, it switches to Land mode
I would like to understand why the Solex system warns me that the flight is impossible because the batteries are too low in voltage even if in reality I have used them even for only 2% of their capacity