Powering up the copter with plugging in flight battery ends with all LEDs of the Here are off. During powering up they are blinking strange. When I’m powering up the copter at first with USB cable, waiting until boot sequence is finished and then plug in the flight battery all things are ok.
To show how the HERE is blinking during the powering up with flight battery I’ve made a video sequence. Hoc can I post it here?
And what is the problem that the Here ist going off after booting???
The video seems to be private. May you can go to videos and change to official. There is also a middle option, where you can link it official but people can’t find it on your channel without having the link.
In the meanwhile i’ve done some tests and find out that the issue only occurs when the external compass is enabled. When I disable the external compass and powering up with the flight battery only then it works. It seems that the Here-Module doesn’t boot correct.
Have solved the problem (not find out, what the cause is): Used Here2 module and all works fine Updated firmware to copter 3.6.11-rc1 (is that the 3.7???) - the issue with Here still exists.