Support for encryption?

The key is set during pairing

I need to know the details please, where did the initial key come from during pairing? is it entered manually by the customer, is it a key defined by the manufacturer, or a kind key generator from a lists !

it uses 128 bit aes-ctr as per the LTE spec

I wouldn’t expect to get any better responses than what is given in this thread. Security trough obscurity seems their practice.
Anyway HereLink is a closed product, with no intent to be open about security and no third party assessments available. You are looking into wrong product if security is something you value.

really not sure what you are wanting here.
We have supplied units to the US DOD for assesment, and have had no complaints from them.

it is exactly as it says it is, and its about the most open Android device on the market.

I really do not understand the angst in your post