Two hour on the water test

Did a two hour test yesterday with the new Herelink Beta and QGC. No Solex yet due to the known Cam1 and Cam2 problems. All worked well with no glitches or Herelink problems. I did notice my Pixhawk 1 was telling me the temp in the boat was 64, Celsius, degrees though. It’s 95 degrees Fahrenheit and full sun with a boat that’s painted black, gray, and dark blue. May need another fan. Cycled back and forth with cameras, sometimes turning them on and off, and never had a problem.

Only minor thing that happened, first time I have seen this, was that my laptop running Mission Planner disconnected from the controller hotspot 3 or 4 times during the outing. I was able to reconnect with no problem but that’s the first I have seen of this. No video streaming. Just using the computer for telemetry and stuff.

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