Video streaming issue in custom QGC for Herelink

I’m trying to update QGC for herelink with no success. The problem I’m facing is about not receiving VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION message despite I’m receiving the COMMAND_ACK for MAV_CMD_REQUEST_VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION with 0 as result. Before sending MAV_CMD_REQUEST_VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION message I also sent the MAV_CMD_VIDEO_START_STREAMING message and received its COMMAND_ACK with 0 as result as well. But then I’m supposed to get the VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION message but it’s not happening.
I’m using this same file for managing auto video streaming: qgroundcontrol-herelink/src/VideoStreaming/ at herelink-v4.0.8 · CubePilot/qgroundcontrol-herelink · GitHub
I just changed _linkInterface->writeBytesSafe for _linkInterface->writeBytesThreadSafe (because recent versions updated the name of that function) and I’m omitting _setVideoResolution() function (I did it as well just as test in qgroundcontrol for herelink and video stream kept working).
This is the repo I just cloned: GitHub - mavlink/qgroundcontrol at v4.3.0, I made some changes I saw in GitHub - CubePilot/qgroundcontrol-herelink.
Both my custom QGC and default QGC for herelink (4.0.8) printed similar debug messages until default QGC for herelink got the VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION message.
Does anybody know why is this happening?
I’m new posting in here and in developing, if I missed some information please let me know and I will provide it.
Thanks in advance.

I forgot to share my changes: GitHub - 4dri4anxD/QGC_HLNK
I’m using these same libraries: qgroundcontrol/libs at v4.3.0 · mavlink/qgroundcontrol · GitHub and Qt 5.15.2
Here is a log file with some messages regarding,,, and Log.txt - Google Drive

I found the error. I didn’t realize that mavlink library has been changed in QGC for herelink, once I made some modifications to the library I started receiving VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION message.