What are the correct Batt_ parameters for Cube Orange on Kore carrier board Rev A ? I get negative amp readings like -3.5 A on Idle with parameters loaded from https://docs.cubepilot.org/user-guides/carrier-boards/kore-carrier-board .
25 November 2020 03:53
The parameters for Black Cube and Orange Cube should be the same.
This may because of the tolerance on sensors.
You may read this discussion to make a more precise calibration by yourself:
The 200A Hall Effect sensor needs to be calibrated at 0A to get correct readings. The parameters in documentation are based on an average from the sensor’s manufacturer, which is “good enough” for casual use. But if you’d like to calibrate it to get more accurate readings about the zero point, follow these instructions. This calibration should only ever need to be done once per board:
Using a bench-top power supply or a battery, use alligator clips to connect the positive wire to the in-board…
In this way you should be able to get the correct parameters