Erroneous data from GPS

Hi everyone, we were flying a hexacopter of AUW 30 kg, with Here 3+ gps module. As we tried to resume to Auto mission the system just moved in a different direction and hit a wall nearby. Multiple EKF faisafes and Fence breach warnings were noticed during this.

We could notice large jumps in Innovations in East and North Innovations while going through the flight logs. And the track (path) of the system on the map was completely off from what actually happened and estimated distance comes up around 455m.
GPS related messages seems to good (Sats and HDOP) any ideas on why this could happen?

Depending on where in the world you are located, there are a lot of GPS jamming/spoofing going on multiple places related to some of the ongoing conflicts around the world. At times, this makes it very difficult to operate GPS based equipment.