GPS lock, but HDOP 0.0?

Hey there. I have a Here 2 hooked up via CAN to my cube running the latest master. It acquires satellites relatively quickly, and I’ve been able to calibrate the compass. That said, it constantly displays an HDOP of 0.0. Is there any way to fix this? I can’t test if it flies as I get a bad AHRS message, which I can’t tell if it’s related to the 0.0 HDOP.


Update, I’ve been able get rid of the bad AHRS and fly. I still don’t have any HDOP. Any idea when it will be fixed? I really need it for my application.

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Nothing can be fixed till the issue can be found

gnss.Auxilliary must be sent in order to have HDOP, as of 1.3.xxxxx that wasn’t being sent.

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