Hi there,
I am using the Here 3+ with the cube orange+ in a quadcopter. Over the past two weeks my here 3+ has began exhibiting compass issues - for example the UAV flies unstably in guided / loiter mode occasionally. As of yesterday, the compass is no longer displayed in the list of available compasses in QGC / Mission Planner.
For reference, the GPS and blinking LEDs on the Here seem to be working fine. The GPS is detected in QGC and can get a lock when I take the drone outside. If I look on the CAN bus in Mission Planner, the Here seems to be working fine
I have tried updating the compass firmware and the cube’s firmware. I have checked my flight logs, but vibration levels on the drone have been pretty reasonable - mostly less than 30m/s as recommended by Ardupilot.
I am going to replace the compass, but I want to know if this is a common issue with the Here 3+ ? This is the second Here 3+ I have had break on me. It is only about 6 months old.
For reference here are the Cube params and the Here params, and a bit of info displayed over the CAN bus.
params.zip (164 Bytes)