Here 3 Plus - Alt reporting

I read in another thread that the Here 3+ does not output raw GPS observations. Is the reported alt from the Here GPS the direct output from GPS Alt measurement, or is there any filtering that occurs with the onboard board baro?

### Message from 1 to All  ts_mono=112436.187000  ts_real=1660170023.556002
  usec: 1375504219
  usec: 1660170022799713
gnss_time_standard: 2 # UTC
num_leap_seconds: 0 # UNKNOWN
longitude_deg_1e8: -10513667400
latitude_deg_1e8: 3980155490
height_ellipsoid_mm: 1660196
height_msl_mm: 1681703
ned_velocity: [-1.138000, 0.093000, -0.300000]
sats_used: 7
status: 3 # 3D_FIX
mode: 0 # SINGLE
sub_mode: 0
covariance: [92.5625, 92.5625, 103.0625, 6.4062, 6.4062, 6.4062]
pdop: 2.2598
ecef_position_velocity: []

Here3+ convert raw data to Dronecan.