Here 3 update issue

How reliable here3 beta firmware is?

Mine also tried 10 times or less. Until i am so lazy and then the u blox u center connected and success to flash it.

Do you mean Here3 beta firmware?
Interesting, there shouldn’t be any problem on stable firmware.

We still recommend users to update everything to latest stable. Not sure what happened on your units.

I am having a similar issue. I have the Cube Purple and Here3. I updated the Here3 SW to 1.7.3B7DB5CC and tried to update ublox firmware. Long story short it failed midway and now when I connect to U center and check UBX-MON-VER it shows software version as ROM CORE 3.01 and FWVER = SPG3.01. Shouldn’t this be EXT CORE 3.01 and HPG? Everytime I try to flash the HPG firmware with various settings it fails midway. Is there a way to specify to flash the new firmware to EXT CORE? Also is there a way I can download the older version of HERE3 SW?

Use this firmware. Download this to your pc. make it ready in the flashing window.

Then get the flasher from the u-center, mine is 21.05.

in this image, i use legacy firmware window flasher as this works for me.

Then, SLCAN your here3.

Click parameters until parameters are shown. If it not shown, restart your here 3. redo.

Change your parameters to go through = 2, click write parameters, click commit.

next, click restart so that the timer is reset.

then clik port to 500. Follow the number given.

open u-center, connect using network.

then go to view message - mon - ver. (you will see green circle on the right bottom of the u-center.

then go to Flash firmware update, check training sequence, 230400 baud is selected. Start flash.

(if the flasher fails, go to MP, restart your timer, and open firmware update and start flash again). (redo this as in which we see the sec timer is counting almost same between MP and u-center).

Dont forget to change disconnect between u-center and MP, then change pass through parameters to 0 after flashing is completed. Restart your fc.

*this works for me.

I can get the firmware update to start but it can never finish, I’m starting to think there is some problem with he Slcan on cube purple.

Are your Mission Planner and Ardupilot on latest stable?

Hardware is cube purple on mini carrier board.
MP 1.3.75 build 1.3.7883.26333
Ardurover 4.0.0 0e52bafa
Here3 HW3.0 SW 1.7.3B7DB5CC SW CRC F30E6112BCCD83B0.

Ucenter v21.05

When I attempted to do the ublox firmware update it erased the firmware on flash but did not complete writing the new firmware.
Should I try AP?

I had this problem once before. I redid the u-blox update process again and this solved the problem.

Do you have another Cube to try with? Or maybe you can try switching the firmware like beta/copter.

This is the only cube I have and is the only controller with CANBUS. I tried copter and plane but with the same results. I can get the ucenter firmware updater to start but fails mid way. Tried various settings such as baud rates, legacy updater etc. Should I try a CAN to USB adapter ? I feel that the SLCAN TCP pass through is causing this issue.

This should be possible as long as you use the UAVCAN GUI Tool. But it is still not a direct connection, as the u-blox chip is not on the CAN bus.

Happy to say I finally got it to work!

It worked with AP copter latest build 4.2.0. Dev c4a1ae42.
Can_slcan_cport 2
Can_slcan_sernum -1

Rover 4.0.0 official, Plane 4.0.9 official and copter 4.0.7 official DID NOT WORK!

Thanks everyone for the advices.


So in the ublox website there are two FW, wich one I need to flash for a multicopter?


reference is for RTK base
rover for RTK rover.
Here3 is an RTK rover

what didnt happen, anyone can help ?
i already set all parameter by guideline, but can’t upgrade firmware by software u blox this is message i attach from software u blox