Can confirm. I stripped down my 450 quad to the power delivery system and planted a Here4 with FC firmware in place of the Cube orange+. Loaded in the appropriate parameters from the Cube, set up the gyros and accels, did a compass swing and a short very careful flight. It flew exactly like it did with the Cube although I didn’t fly very long or far and don’t intend to. I’m thinking it’s home might be on a rover.
Please keep in mind that the Here has one IMU that is not isolated and it only has one serial port that also is used for GCS access and two CAN ports. Very limited for possible peripherals and not intended for airborne craft. It was a fun experiment but I will likely flash it back to peripheral status. Cheers😎
Keen to use it as a simple camera triggering system or a antenna tracker. Just researching how to set it up as a FC. If you have a link i’d appreciate it!
I agree with Paul. This may be a neat option for a small, simple, low cost copter.
I really don’t recommend using the here4 as a flight controller. I did it just for a fun project but it is not practical, zero redundancy and only one serial port that is used for GCS com.
did you follow the instructions at the bottom of this page to get it working?
I have been trying, but it does not show up on the MP firmware installation page using a serial to USB adapter. I’ve updated the fw over CAN and done the flash_bootloader / refresh params step, but it then doesn’t show up to install firmware.
@Jordan_Cormack are you running latest Mission Planner Beta ?
Just got it working!
I did update Mission Planner to Beta, but I think I was on at least the version it said in the docs.
One of the things that isn’t clear from the Here 4 docs firmware update section (about updating via CAN) is that if you click no to the pop up asking if you want to search the internet for updates, you can then choose a local file (e.g. the Here4FC .bin file).
This is useful, as for me it still doesn’t show up on the Mission Planner ‘install firmware’ page with a FTDI TTL-232R cable, even though I can connect to it.