Here3+ End of Life

Hey Cubepilot team,

We are going into production with our system and are currently using the Here3+ and Cube Orange (Non +).

Since we need to lock in the hardware for certyfication I wanted to check what the expected end of production for the Here3+ and Cube Orange are.

Thank you for any information.

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use a Cube Orange plus and a here 4

on your certification documentation, I strongly suggest mentioning “cube” and “Here” rather than specifics.

we do our best to continue to supply hardware well past the end of its natural consumer life (still making cube Black) but it becomes extremely expensive, and due to the lower volumes of older products, and the age of some EOL stockpiled components, there are issues that can arise that are beyond our control.

cube black is now retailing at $1000 each… it’s old, and clearly EOL… but will still be supported and in stock for years to come…

orange will eventually be at a similar price.

regarding here3+ it uses the M8P GPS module which is only available in limited qty’s and as such, the price will steadily raise to ensure we can keep stock for those that have already been locked into it.

Here4 is standard now, but by the end of next year we will have a much better unit, which will be software compatible, but much higher performance.

we are at 10 years with the current Black design… so this cycle is not fast, but it is still advisable to do your paperwork in a way that locks you down the least.

The quality of sensors on the current Orange Plus is in a totally different class to the old Orange.

I hope this helps with your questions

we are in a similar situation about future hardware certifications in our drone fleet.

Respect to your comment about the quality of the cube orange vs cube orange +, we would like to clear these spec.

this “different quality of sensors” of the orange + means that these are better than the orange old?

our new drone fleet have orange + and dual here 4.