Using a CubeOrange+ running 4.5.7, and a Here4 Blue running HW: 4.19 SW: 1.14.5AC6523C
I saw a post indicating that the baro shouldn’t be used on the Here4. I assume that applies to the Here4 Blue? Is there a schematic that shows where the baro sits so that we can uncase it or provide a tube through the case?
Is DroneCAN GPS autoconfig supported from the autopilot side, passing through to the periph, and if so, what gps settings are necessary on the periph to allow the passthrough? I currently have a working setup to the point where the cube recognizes the gps and compass from the periph, but I’m noticing that I am only able to autoconfig from the DroneCAN periph params in Mission Planner, and not from the cube. On the cube, I have GPS_AUTO_CONFIG=2 and GPS_TYPE=9, and on the periph I have GPS_AUTO_CONFIG=1 and GPS_TYPE=1. I’ve experimented with GPS_TYPE=2 and GPS_AUTO_CONFIG=2 on the periph to no apparent effect.
Along these lines, using ucenter and passthrough I can see RAWX messages coming from the device, but they are not being captured in ardupilot’s log in spite of GPS_RAW_DATA being set to 1 on both the cube and the periph
Lastly, I have been using Android OpenDroneID app to see the transponder signals as broadcast in RF, but I can’t see anything from the Here4 Blue. I will get around to building a cube firmware with DroneID enabled, but I was wondering if the transponder would still emit a message (perhaps with 0’s in all the fields) regardless of the receipt of any DroneID message from the cube, or if I have a faulty piece of hardware.
Is the CubeID module enumerated in the DroneCAN devices list separately, or do I need to do serial passthroughs on the periph to access and configure it, or something else?
I am aware of a few threads where DroneCAN autoconfig doesn’t seem to be working right w.r.t. setting up moving baseline configurations. I am not trying to do that in my case but I wonder if the issue is related.
Happy to debug, just let me know what you want to see