Trying to set up a new Here4 with ODID Firmware. CubeID modules work fine with this firmware but the here4 onboard CubeID is having issues. I’ve updated it with and without that CUBEID_FW_UPDATE param set to 1 but I’m constantly getting the “lost transmitter” message indicating its not talking with my CubeOrange. The actual GPS module seems to work fine. Is there any additional setup on the Here4 regarding getting ODID to work other than what’s in the CubeID docs?
@bendraper00 have you set DID_CANDRIVER to 1 . By default opendroneid is set for Mavlink only. If it still doesn’t work, please share log. Also CUBEID_FW_UPDATE needs to be set to 1.
DID_CANDRIVER is indeed set to 1. I tested this system in particular with a regular CubeID module with no issue
@bendraper00 Hi, can you share your telemetry log as well. Maybe enable DID_MAVPORT as well, so we can see what messages are being sent by ardupilot. Also can you verify if the issue is present with latest ardupilot release (Copter 4.5 or master) as well?
@bendraper00 is this the correct log? it doesn’t look like OpenDroneID is enabled in the firmware that generated this log.
Oh shoot yea that was the wrong log… Here’s the correct one
41 12-31-1979 7-00-00 PM.bin (795.7 KB)
@sidbh Also confirmed the issue is still there on the master branch
Is it supposed to appear as a standalone CAN device?
@sidbh Is it possible we have a defective module?
@sidbh Just wanna put this back on your radar. I haven’t been able to test my Here4 Blue bc I cannot get the CubeID to work
Unboxed a second Here4 Blue and this one is working as expected