I have a here4 and a purple cube using CAN bus. I’m trying to get my serial RTK RTCM packets via LoraSerial telemetry injected into the GPS module without having the wrap them in mavlink packets first. Is there a way to make a parameter in here4 to enable serial pins on the GPS RX so that I can pass in RTCM packets directly? I could even use the RCIN pin if I could figure out the software aspect of it. I understand the gps rx and tx are probably overtaken by the here4 processor?
Essentially trying to accomplish this with the here4: https://discuss.ardupilot.org/t/simple-portable-rtk-base-station/87694
Im not concerned about the base and the survey in - I have a permanent base (MtWhitney on rtk2go) - I just would like to have a seamless path to the ublox inside the here4 if at all possible.