@Banme_RC plz reply, I am waiting for your reply about Foreer Box2 and HereLink connection.
The Foxeer HS1233 does not work.
One of my client used it successfully. So i’m pretty sure there is something to do with this camera
I’m also using this camera and it works great. You have to change the HDMI output format to 1080P 30 FPS via the Foxeer app.
Thanks! I changed the settings over and it works.
did you test somebody Flir Vue Pro? Do you know exactly what type of HDMI input is supported? Type, frame rate, standard/nonstandard voltage of signal? Because I receiver information from tech support of Herelink, Alvin, that input supports "standard HDMI and signal is h.264. " It is not very clear answer
Thank you
Flir Duo pro has been reported working with the herelink by one of my customers.
But we are talking about Flir Vue pro. Flir sell for this camera HDMI adapter. I have problem, it is not working with Herelik and I dont know where is problem.
Check the HDMI output (if configurable).
Herelink works with most of camera which have 1080/30p
did you try to record a video with this split cam under Solex ( last firmware )?
I’m looking at purchasing a SEEKER-10 V2 HD 10X Optical Zoom Camera. Has anyone used this with the HereLink or do you know if it is compatible?
@Julien @philip
Tested today and working:
Sony HX50
Both completely stock. Really good option is that you can have the EKEN powered from the UAV and it automatically boots when you connect your battery.
I have the EKEN H9R in front of me, bought last week, no good results. No output on the Herelink
I will make a short video of boot with H9R and show. i have original firmware and after initial test and verification of functionality i simply switched the camera to 1080 since 4k is not needed for me.
Hi Merkatony,
That looks great. I will give it another go but I’m afraid there are different EKEN H9R’s around
Hi Merkatony,
With your video, I saw you first switched on the platform (with the Herelink) and after that, you switched on the Solex app. That’s what I didn’t do. I had the Solex app running all the time. If I do it your way, Huray!
Played a bit more and found Herelink doesn’t accept it the other way and is not forgiven.
I do see a difference with your Video. As soon as you start your Herelink, your camera switches on, not on my system? Also, next to your lens a blue light comes on, charging light. Not with me. I have not changed the firmware on the Eken or made changes to settings. It might be the cable although I tried different once.
I had a EKEN and the HDMI out worked for about an hour and quit. Check you output on a monitor because it could be bad
Hello @champ8242,
I have a dedicated BEC connected on my PDB and on the camera USB. As soon as i power my UAV, my camera powers also and turns on. Thats all i have done. Best practice i found so far is to switch camera off before you power off your UAV.
This means i have 2 cables connected on camera, power and HDMI.
Thanx for this very informative message, it solves my mystery.
Let’s hope it lasts now more that an hour.
Maybe some work for Herelink development to make the system hot swappeble.