HERELINK - Compatible camera list

Just received my Q6 camera and test with herelink. It worked right with all stock setting. Light weight and compact, it’s better than split 4k in many aspects!


Hi @Hiroaki - I am interested in using the Garmin VIRB 360 with Herelink, but before I buy the camera I hope you can answer a few questions.

Can I power it with a UBEC?

I assume it just sends video from one lens, but does it record full 360 video on the SD card while also transmitting over HDMI out?

Thanks in advance!

The virb 360 has a function where it powers on when it receives external power. Its a setting as it defaults to charge only. I’m sure 5 volts at a few hundred miliampres will suffice so I bet you’d be fine with a ubec, but as for it recording to its sd card while outputting HDMI, by default it cuts the HDMI signal off while recording to its local sd. This camera is prone to turning itself off due to overheating at 5.7k resolutions in direct sunlight, but I havent had much trouble out of one lens at 1080p 60fps. You’ll have to make a cable for ubec power. Its micro-B USB. Ive found the ports(usb and microhdmi) are too close toghether to have standard plugs occupying the ports at the same time, but you can cut the corner off of a cheap micro-b usb cable and get power and signal out. I havent found a way to record and also send the signal to my airunit at the same time as of yet. I’ll keep you informed if I do. There is a control library for this camera but the licence agreements with garmin arent to appealing to a software developer, I can make software for the camera but I cant share it… Appealing.


Has anyone tried the HDMI out on theSony A6000? Thank you.

Yes, works with mine.

The A6000 was already listed as working :wink:

Does anyone know if the BMMCC (Black Magic Micro Camera) works with Herelink ?

Thank you @Julien @Robert470

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Firefly Q6 with herelink!

After inadvertently purchasing a Gremsy T1 instead of the T3 ( I got the camera compatibility list mixed up between the two ) to use with my Sony A6000, I purchased a Sony HDR-CX440 to use with the T1 ( cheaper than buying a T3 ). Long story short, after making sure it was set to 1080p/30fps I was able to use it with QGC through the HDMI port. Still trying to figure out Solex, I’ve used Solex with my 4 Solo’s for years but haven’t been able to do anything with HereLink. All I get is “video not supported” even with my A6000. Maybe I need to have the Airunit connected to my CubeOrange also but the CX440 does work using QGC.


have you updated the air unit fw recently?

Just got around to updating the HereLink and Airunit last week, SRU01200619, FRU01200409. Is there a newer update for the Airunit?

Correction, Airunit has AU01200226 on it.


had/have the same problem (Video stream only working in QGC not in Solex), connecting something to telem1 (cube in my case) “solved” the problem. Solex stream then does start, with a latency approximatly 80 ms better then QGC

Update: Connected it up to the CubeOrange and the HDR-CX440 works in both Solex & QGC.image

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yes solex doesnt “look” for the video unless a valid vehicle is attached. once you have a valid device attached the video will start


GoPro Hero8 with Media Mod

TLDR: Can stream HDMI and record at 1080 and 1440 x 30 and 60 fps. External power solution in work.


Lag is present, but feels flyable to me for non-acro maneuvers.

Activating HDMI live video stream requires pushing buttons on the camera. After power up, HDMI feed shows a splash screen. Selections are requires to enable stream and remove chrome. There’s a GoPro forum thread about this.

Streaming & Recording

  • 1080x30, Hypersmooth and Boost off: Lag is present, but feels flyable to me for non-acro maneuvers

  • 1440x30, Hypersmooth and Boost off: Lag is a bit greater than 1080x30, but feels flyable to me for non-acro maneuvers

  • 60fps adds a bit of lag, but feels flyable to me for non-acro maneuvers

  • Hypersmooth 2.0 or Boost introduces 0.5 to 1 second of lag when recording. Doesn’t seem to have an effect when not recording.

  • Greater resolutions seem to deactivate the HDMI feed while recording.

External Power

Anker and Apple 120 VAC power adapters work fine.

Tried creating a power adapter via the Adafruit USB-C Breakout Board and Pololu Voltage Regulator, 5v @ +3 amps. GoPro shows battery charging icon, but runs the battery down while streaming but not recording.

Suspect GoPro wants USB-C power delivery protocol.

Ordered an automotive 12 VDC to USB-C PD adapter to test. Think this will work with 3S battery directly. For higher voltage batteries, maybe put a voltage regulator between battery and adapter.

GoPro gets uncomfortably hot. Removed battery. Still gets hot.

Requests for Feedback

  • How do these findings compare to your results?
  • Do you know alternate ways to power GoPro8 via USB-C without running down the battery?

Canon EOS M3 works fine!
The camera only is a little bit picky in terms of HDMI cable, cheap flatflex cables won’t work (not only connected to herelink but also e.g. to HDMI-composite convertes).

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CAMremote can do the job on BMCC (SBUS support is also there):

Flir vue pro tested and worked but i used an analog to digital video converter

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