Herelink custom qgroundcontrol app


OK so I got the settings for the video but remember that it works only on HDMI 1 and not on HDMI 2

This was originally posted by Michael Oborne

Edited 2 Use the below link to download the Android 64 bit QGC version into Herelink Workflow runs · mavlink/qgroundcontrol · GitHub

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Forget the factory Herelink version and use the custom built…it solves everything

yes this code:
works with video from HDMI 1. Thanks very much!

“Forget the factory Herelink version and use the custom built…it solves everything”
Is that very complicated to create (compile) updated QGC with branches for Herelink which will work with buttons (short and long press)? as I understand that should be done on windows computer ? For now Solex doesn’t work with several options and QGC doesn’t wok with others. The biggest problem of Herelink is the lack of physical buttons.


Where do you get the original version?