Herelink sbus out not working after latest system update

The firmware is definitely mismatched, my problem is I cannot upgrade the airunit any way to v1.1. I have tried over the air from the HCU and using flasher_win.exe and neither will update the air unit. I tried to reset the HCU back to 1.0, but it remains on 1.1…so how donI get flasher_win to upgrade the air unit.

I am using qgc

i am surprised that you are still having QGC version 4.0.8. Are you sure this is the latest QGC build becos i am using QGC v4.4.2.1 ! !
Secondly , did you try flasher_win.exe beta . or is it that you got stuck after doing with flasher_win.exe beta

Where do I get flasher_win.exe beta? Previous links went to a dead 404 error site. I have used the version found on this page

How To Update Firmware | CubePilot

Simply write beta in the end of the file name " flasher_win.exe beta " and check what happens. Make sure you have internet enabled. Are you doing all this through Windows or Linux .
is your Herelink controller unit on firmware 1.0 ?

I tried that a couple different ways, one with the .exe listed in the file manager which then said it was not a valid executable. I am running windows 11 pro and computer was connected to a 5.8 GHz wifi

in this case , try to make the Herelink unit controller to run v1.1 .

It was on the most recent update per the “System Updates” page in android, and I could still not update the air unit at all. So I went and did an Android factory reset on the HCU and proceeded with all the updates finishing with the RU01240301 firmware. I still cannot update the air unit to V1.1 using the HereLink or Flasher_win.exe. I have tried adding “beta” to the end of flasher_win, but when it is running it only finds AAU01211129. Time for a RMA? I have spent 3 days trying to get this to work to no avail. I even took a different HereLink HCU that I had not put in beta mode, paired with this air unit, and the AU01230714 firmware was not available to update to the latest version (showed AAU01211129 as Online version). Exceptionally frustrating. How can I downgrade my HCU out of beta mode back to V1.0 firmware? Even after the Android reset I do not have SOLEX on this air unit…

Now the only option you have is to connect the air unit via a usb cable and flash the first version.

Also reset the HCU unit to the first version. Pair and link both the units.
Then start with the updates if you wanna go for the latest version

Do you know how to reset the HCU unit to the first version? It was an orignal V1.0 that I upgraded to beta V1.1. Flasher_win will not downgrade it, and I have reset the entire unit from the Android factory reset, and it remains on the V1.1. Do you know how I can downgrade it to the original firmware?


I had done this on my Herelink v1.0 earlier after flashing the beta version.

You need to do a Android reset under settings. Ensure everything is cleared .
I used the guideline provided on the Cube pilot site. Just need to do it patiently.
Sequence of operation is very important.

I have done the Android reset 4 times with the same result, the HCU never reverts to firmware v 1.0. Is there anyone from the manufacturer that reads these fourms?

Anyone else have any ideas? @Michael_Oborne? Here is my current status:

Air Unit: I cannot push the AU firmware to the air unit. I can download it, transfer it (takes hrs), and click the update air unit, but it never upgrades. I have tried many many times. When I run flasher_win.exe or if I put beta at the end, it only finds the AAU firmware and never downloads the AU firmware. Is there somewhere where I can manually download the tar.gz file for the AU firmware?

HCU: I have done the Android reset 4 times and it makes me upgrade to the following firmware

QGC: This is the QGC version on my HCU

No Solex: This HCU does not have Solex installed and there is nothing on the “desktop”

Im in the same boat as you… I had a job which I had to cancel because of this. So frustrating.

Is it possible for you to revert back to the original QGC and see if the GCS and air unit is connected between each other.

How do you do that? I have a herelink unit sitting here because there are no clear instructions and no support from the company.

I still think some error in the sequence of reset.

I have done this 5 times with the same result. I am not new to this, but there is no way to downgrade back to v1 firmware on HCU. Putting beta at the end of win_flasher still only puts v1 firmware on air unit. They are mismatched, but i have nonwaybto get them on same version. SJ, do you work for hex? Is there anyone here that does so I can get some support with their hardware?

Agreed there is no support

the easiest way is to create a shortcut to the flasher_win.exe file, then edit the shortcut to add beta to the end of it.

Hi Michael that does not work at all