Dear all,
I have a HereLink which I have updated to the latest firmware, but I am not able to get a video Stream with a GoPro Hero 5 (a RaspberryPi 3b+ or other compatible cams from this list HERELINK - Compatible camera list). The cams have the right HDMI output format (1080@30/60fps). After a lot of time of reading instructions, changing settings and flashing the firmware, I logged some outputs from the Air Unit with adb (logcat). Could you help me with this problem?
I found some errors but I am not sure if they are relevant:
- H264or5VideoServerMediaSubsession: [CameraID: 0-0] Get AuxSDPLine failed, Try again later.
- RTSPServer: 404 File Not Found, Or In Incorrect Format
Cheers (35.8 KB)