No compass detected

If I connect here v2 on GPS 1 with i2c protocol work fine.

Did you update the here 2 via CAN?

I didn’t update because mission planner doesn’t allow me. I get some errors.

Connect via can 1, not 2

I can’t get updates every time I reconnect with mission planner I get different information

and then the UAVCAN disappears

I calibrate compass mag 1 and mag 2 and then I reboot orange cube and UAVCAN is lost.

I can not update here v2.


in your video the uptime on the can device was stopped at 27 seconds.
that number should always be going up. so the firmware upload was failing because of this.
try again, make sure the uptime keeps going up before trying the update.

I don’t know why Uptime always stops

Does it always stop at about the same time?

no. the maximum was about 30 min

please try the latest beta MP. i did an update to fix some can issues earlier today

thanks now everything works

Awesome!!! Thanks @Michael_Oborne!

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hello why the radio failsafe does not work in all flight modes except in stabilize and acro works