PPK with Here3 rover

I am attempting to use a Here3 GPS as rover for PPK wit rtklib, according to instructions found here on the ardupilot boards. I am however not getting the .obs when generating the KML and gpx, and so don`t have the RINEX observations to proceed with PPK.

Is there a configuration step I’ve missed to be able to get the RINEX observations from the logs?

I attempted to activate RAWX and SFRBX messages but I’m not sure how to verify whether I did that right, and doesn`t seem to have had any effect if I did.

I have updated the Here3’s firmware, but was unable to do to same for the underlying u-blox chip due to dll errors (currently looking for a fix to this too).

As for potentially related config I have GPS_RAW_DATA, LOG_REPLAY and LOG_DISARMED all set to 1 (With corresponding boosts to log memory and buffer), as well as all the basic config from the Here3 user guide done.

M8P doesn’t officially support PPK.

So that may a reason why you are not getting the obs from log.