Hello, I recently upgraded the firmware on my new Here4 to the latest and greatest from ublox, but I missed the part where it says that upgrading it might break support for moving baseline.
Can you tell me where I can download the special moving baseline firmware and if there are any special instructions on how to revert to it? Thank you!
Yes you can use it as GNSS but without moving baseline. If you are not that far from one of the companies i mentionned, i suggest to ask a quotation for a fresh flash of your unit.
Thanks for the reply via email @Thomas! As I mentioned in my email, my understanding of that message is that it would disable support for moving baseline while I was on the factory firmware (makes sense), but it was not clear to me that it would permanently disable it. I just assumed I would be able to re-load the original firmware and I would get the functionality back. This seems to be a fairly major difference in the way firmware works on this device vs others, so it probably makes sense to be hyper-clear about the difference in the documentation.
@alphamacaroon thanks for the change request, we have made changes to the text to make it extra clear that reversion is not possible, once updated. Here 4 Manual | CubePilot