RTK Basestation Sparkfun with Here 4 Modul


I would like to use on my drone the Here 4 Modul and as a Basestation the Sparkfun Facet. I can connect a standard telemetry adapter to the Facet, but where would I connect it on the drone, so it will receive the correction data? Or is combination not possible?

Any help is appreciated.

Hi @Christian811 Please note that Here4 is a L1/L5 GPS module, so you will need to pair it with a L1/L5 Base to get the best performance, like Here4 RTK base module.

Hi @sidbh thank you for the info, I nearly forgot about the L1/L5. If I use the Here4 RTK base module, is there a way to set it up, so I would not need a laptop? Maybe with an Raspberry? And is the base modul already ready to deliver, did not find it here with a reseller?