I’m currently using a drone with an Here3+ rover to take georeferenced orthophotos. To increase the accuracy, I’d like to set up RTK.
In my actual setup, the drone has a companion computer running mavproxy with the NTRIP module enabled. This NTRIP module now connects to a nation-wide RTK service and forwards the corrections to the flight controller (CubeOrange) running ArduPilot 4.5.4.
The service I’m using is SAPOS, a service offered by the german government which operates around 270 physical reference stations around germany and claims to reach an accuracy of 1-2cm.
So far, the results were disappointing. When flying a little and then switching to RTL mode to return to the starting position, the accuracy of the landing spot is hardly better than similar tests with a normal 3D fix.
Looking for explanations to this imprecision, I’m starting to believe that this may simply be the best that the Here3+ rover can get out of my setup. Is the Here3+ only intended to be used with a Here3-base and cannot handle the virtual reference stations of RTK networks for some reason? If so, would it help to use a Here4 or Here pro instead?
Mission Planner shows a hardware version of 4.19 and a software version of 1.3.4AB183F6 for the rover.