I’m in possession of roughly 40 Here GPS units. I would say roughly 2/3 of them function correctly as desired. However, the other 1/3 do not work with the PX4 Cubes. It appears I am having very similar issues as others in this thread. The funny thing is, the GPS works when using the Ardupilot firmware on the cubes but does not work when using PX4. My issue is most certainly not cable related.
My Here2 GPS seems to work on CAN, but I have trouble getting it recognized as a compass in MP:
Cube + I2C Here2 on GPS1: all 3 compasses behave like the Here2
Cube + CAN1 Here2: all 3 compasses behave like the Cube
Cube + CAN1 Here2 + generic uBox on GPS2: all 3 compasses behave like the uBlox
In my initial tests I was also seeing some odd behaviour from the mags on CAN, I messed around for a while and got it correct but I need to investigate it More once I get back from holiday as there was something odd going on.
I know info has been added for the ID as Philip mentioned a while back so need to look closer at it next week my self.
There has been reports of External Compass on CAN being pushed to Mag 3 rather than 1 with external.
Also when I disable compass 1 and 2, only enable 3 and set as primary, the calibration will not react to the Here2 as primary It will react to the Cube and the Here2 is just used as tertiary.
If an I2C compass is connected, it will show that one first and dump the UAVCAN compass:
I can set up the device IDs to have the UAVCAN first, but after the FC restarts it will do the automatic assignment again and set the Here2 as third or omit it if a second external compass is detected.
What firmware are you running? You can use the compass mask to make the unwanted compasses not boot.
All cube users should be on latest release code at least.
I have lost nearly 2 days following all of the suggestions here, especially: https://docs.cubepilot.org/user-guides/here-2/here-2-instruction
to the letter, including fiddling with ALL of the AP parameters at least 3 times.
Yesterday I finally managed to connect to the Here 2, and I loaded the boot-loader and updated the firmware. I did not at that time do anything with the Here 2 internal parameters. Mission Planner always indicated NO GPS. Today going back to the 3.7.0-Dev AP code, I cannot connect to the Here 2. I have tried everything for hours. This is my second Cube Black build. The first worked perfectly except for having to return it for the INS problem. The standard GPS1 connection to the carrier board works well. This craft is nearly ready for release to the user, but I am stuck here - Help!
Just a note for others… the update instructions are for those wanting to use serial mode. they work out of the factory in CAN mode if the can cable was fitted.
in cases like this, I find it is best to refresh and start again. load up plane, then load 3.7 copter, this will have the effect of resetting every single parameter to default.
then enable CAN
Then set the gps to CAN
then set compass
then set the LEDs
That got me in.
The parameter window was empty.
Can I reload the parameters I saved (the file I sent you)?
Where do I go from here, after a night’s rest?