Do please elaborate on why hdop is not a good measure of accuracy, can you point me to the literature you have read that states this fact?
Success!!! I just did it! The Here V2 is wired to my 3DR Solo in CAN mode and is now visible in Mission Planner. What did the trick was running the July 16th release of Solo Black cube master, setting my param CAN_P1_Driver to 1 (obviously). What I did different this time was instead of clicking SLCan Mode CAN1 I clicked Ctrl L. This popped up a new window and the Here V2 is there!
Thatâs awesome news!
Thatâs easy.
HDOP is a retrospective indication of accuracy
We use the velocity errors as the measure of GPS accuracy, this allows ardupilot to detect a glitch as it happens, rather than after it happened.
However, we acknowledge that it has caused a lot of confusion, so will most likely be adding it again
@Chris_Goodall: could you share the link of that firmware release?
Is it this one?
Just a note of encouragement - I now have had several flights where the Here 2 on CAN Buss performed flawlessly. I hope by the time I buy the next one the path to software bliss will be well paved.
If I hit Ctrl+L, this is what pops up:
I am using latest MP beta and latest master
Here is a screen of the HW ID:
@tiffo I wasnât on master. I was on the latest stable MP and on the SOLO black cube July 16th release, the last one of the day. I was also on a Solo. Plugged up via USB to the cube. Let Mavlink load. Click CTRL + L. Then click SLCAN Mode 1. At that point the Here V2 could be seen.
I noticed in the latest Beta of ArduPlane Tridge has stated that that UAVCAN implemented safetyswitches over CAN. Does the HereV2 support using the safety switch over CAN if implemented in the firmware on the FC side? If not then can I use GPS, LEDs, and Compass over CAN and still wire out the SafetySwitch and LED like we had it with I2C?
Im also on the plane 4.0 beta and UAVCAN compass is still discovered last. That just for reference, with the typemask things work ok.
Yes, @sidbh is working on the new method
I have followed the instructions up to step 10 and then things got weird. I updated the bootloader, waited for some green LEDs, then tried to update the firmware. The LEDs stayed green for a while (I waited 3 minutes) and nothing happened in the MP window. I closed MP (1.3.66 this time) and rebooted the cube. After doing the blue booting LEDs the Here2 stayed on green LEDs. I could not find the Here2 by scanning on SLCAN in MP in both 1.3.66 and 68. The LEDs just stay a solid green. I have also tried the June 16th CubeSolo and Plane 4.0.0beta3 firmwares. No dice. Any other things to try?
@jschall Reping for some help. This is not mission stopping for us, but I would like to work out any bugs with SLCAN.
Not certain why thatâs happening.
You could try:
- Connect SLCAN
- Ideally, verify functionality of SLCAN with another CAN device
- Unplug Here 2
- Plug Here 2 back in (it should at least come up in bootloader mode briefly)
Is there any official fix for this? I have done a few Here2 bootloader and FW updates but now I have two that refuse to be recognized in the UAVCAN tab.
I have spent all day trying every different version listed above for fw and MP.
Obviously there must be different versions of the Here2 out there if I can get some on CAN but not others. Also when some people canât get it to work no matter what it makes me think there is more going on here.
Is there some way to update the bootloader and FW without using MP?
Try installing a mid June version of copter master on your cube and then try slcan again.
If you have flashed the boot loader you then need to flash the FW if itâs solid green.
Use 4.0 beta firmware and latest mission planner and it will work fine.
Searching internet for an update times out after 100 seconds
I just plugged a new Here2 into my Orange Cube just to update it.
Donât think the internet update functionality actually works yet, itâs a known issue.