Here3+ Disappears from CAN line when FDCAN is turned on

The Here3+ units disappear from the can line screen in mission planner when FDcan is turned on. This means mission planner can no longer be used to change parameters on the Here3+, so FDcan cannot be turned back off. The GPS units still function on the platform so the FDcan is working, but there seems to be a strange interaction between them and Mission planner.
Is this intended operation? Is there another way to modify the settings on a Here3+ GPS so that FDcan can someday be turned off or the firmware can be updated?

This post is a followup to another, since the issue evolved from the previous post:

Please try dronecan gui tool, ensure that CANFD is enabled on Cube as well. Overview - DroneCAN

Can FD was enabled on the cube, but it did not help. The image included above was taken from the DroneCAN gui tool.

After working with Michael Oborne, I updated to a new beta version of Mission planner, and there was a small change that allowed me to connect to the FD enabled GPS units. I was then able to change the Here3+ GPS back to normal CAN.