HERELINK - Compatible camera list

hi … I’m sorry but I didn’t tell you I don’t use QGC but Solex. However, I believe that the new versions of Herelink (I mean new updates) have the improved protocol regardless of the app. Do you have any problems on QGC?

yes , i do have issues with QGC. Firstly i am not getting full throttle power. Secondly under Power section, the batt voltage calculation doesn’t set . very very weird…

Is there any guide for Solex app if you think that is the way forward

Would a Raspbeery Pi camera work?

for sure

can we integrate camera directly with cube orange or we need some communication module between them? @Julien

@Nikita_Murmure, not sure about the question, what do you mean ?

@Julien in simple word i want to integrate camera means webcam to cube Orange so can we connect it directly or we need some 3rd module to connect them ( webcam to cube orange)

Cubes are flight controllers so they have nothing to do with cameras. To send an image from your onboard camera to the pilot you must add any device that transmit video (eg: Herelink).
But, you can connect your Cube to this transmitter to get telemetry and flight infos.


I was just wondering I have the older Herelink 1.0 and it does not have the ethernet connection, only the HDMI. Can I connect the SIYI A8 to the air unit? will the HDMI work? Can I use a head tracker or Sbus from the cube to control the gimbal?


Yes, the A8 has an HDMI output that works with the Herelink. This is how I normally connect it actually. You’ll also need a serial connection from the autopilot to the A8 as descrbied here on the AP wiki.

thank you so much RANDY!! fixing up my delta quad haha.

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Is there a camera that has an artificial horizon or some point of reference point for the center of the screen built it?

I’d like to get the artificial horizon to overlay onto the camera image rather than have it off to the side in Q Ground control.

How would I use a Raspberry Pi Zero as a cam?

Need a HDMI out or Ethernet out

Does any of the cameras listed above come with a gimbal that is also compatible and controllable with the HereLink? If not can you give a list of HereLink compatible gimbals?

Hello all. I am currently upgrading my drone. I recently ordered the HereLink. I want to upgrade my fpv camera which is the GoPro 4. I am looking for a camera/gimbal combo. From my HereLink radio i want to be able to zoom and tilt. I want the camera to be able to capture good low light and night pics & videos. I also want a camera with thermal imaging. I know that one will be a bit pricey but i am willing to save up for it. Right now i just need to know what camera(s) to look for. I understand i may have to use a 2 camera setup to get all the features I’m looking for. A couple more features that i would like but is not mandatory…object tracking and open-source… Can someone point me in the right direction, please?

Raspberry pi cam is the best way forward . You get following features

  1. 3d print gimbal for raspi cam
  2. OpenCV using python library
  3. pymavlink library for sending drone command positions.
    4 Possiblity of using a thermal pi cam with all above features.
    5 Obstacle detection using cheap vl53l1x sensors.
    6 Low power consumption
    7 Very cheap to replace in case of a crash

Thanks! I didn’t know there was a thermal pi cam. I wasn’t even thinking about an obstacle avoidance sensor…it is now a must have!

SJ, do you have any info on a Pi camera build with gimbal etc?

Thanks, Tristan.