Herelink Firmware Update problem

Very strange, I used the same network with my laptop and my cellphone without any problem, but it seems that the Herelink remote controller can’t access internet throught it. I used another one. Problem solved, thanks for the follow-up.


Tried to do the update on my herelink and followed the instructions and the flash screen, I think, went to quick. it did not show the same things as in the video. and when it reboots it does not show the set up screens. And I couldn’t find the update system tab in the area it it supposed to be. any help would be great.

Are you using Windows or mac ?

Windows you need to be on Win10 64 bit

If in windows try installing the android tools and trying again

I’m using Win10 64bit

When I did the flash program the. Screen went really fast for me too, The first time but if you do it a second time in a row it should go through the unpacking and for the air unit I actually had to do it three times. I had to click on the flash program the first time it flashed, the second time it unpacked and the third it installed.

I have done the same process about 5 times now and no luck. I must be missing something. when the ground controller reboots it goes to a white screen for a second and then loads QGC
I followed the video, but I can’t seem to get the Beta tab at the top of the instruction screen to give me the new FW .

The beta tab is now gone. The correct firmware is now on the main page.

here is a screen shot of the flashing process.


@K_Hunsaker Maybe try running the flasher program from a different location, i.e. copy to different folder and try again. Or try running as administrator.

tried both of those, also tried a different computer, still Win10. did not work.
Are there settings on the Herelink device somewhere that might be blocking this? is there some way to check the settings with a known unit, or new factory unit? could we have done something that is causing this to be blocked?
Can I do a factory reset and try again? or will that remove the QGC and original control settings?

Did you install the android driver on the other computer ?

I think so, when I plug in the herelink the usb reads the device. is that what you are referring to?

The issue you are seeing is totally unrelated to the Herelink device. Its a file permission issue. Which directory in Windows are you running the program from?

I am also facing issue while registering remote unit device and system update. I just need clarity on this solution. As per the post, i am understanding that I have to create a tethered USB internet sharing solution from my laptop to the remote unit. Herelink remote unit has issues to get internet connection with the wifi router but it will work fine from tether usb internet connection.

Is this what I have to do?

Check your router is using 5.8 band

I have already raised above issue and tried alll possible scenarios. I was looking for other similar issues. Tethered USB internet connection i have not tried yet. Just need more clarity on this.

The Wifi issues of no connection are relegated to IP range from the router this prevents all connections when connected.

To resolve this either try an ip range away from 192.168.x.x or try a mobile device to tether as they tend to just behave better. The guys are looking at this.

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When I connect to wifi from router and from android hotspot. Herelink remote unit is successfully connecting and “no internet” is also not there in the connection info.

My particular scenario I was using a router that was 4 - 5 years old. I found that it didn’t like to connect and share data with the herelike unit. I would get errors trying to download the software updates. I did not have access to another 5G internet connection. My solution was to tether the herelink to my laptop. You will need a laptop with dual Wi-Fi or 5G Wi-Fi and Hardline connection. In my case a Hardline to my laptop from my router and I used the 5G to create a hotspot that the herelink could then see and communicate with.