Herelink Firmware Update problem

I am also facing issue while registering remote unit device and system update. I just need clarity on this solution. As per the post, i am understanding that I have to create a tethered USB internet sharing solution from my laptop to the remote unit. Herelink remote unit has issues to get internet connection with the wifi router but it will work fine from tether usb internet connection.

Is this what I have to do?

Check your router is using 5.8 band

I have already raised above issue and tried alll possible scenarios. I was looking for other similar issues. Tethered USB internet connection i have not tried yet. Just need more clarity on this.

The Wifi issues of no connection are relegated to IP range from the router this prevents all connections when connected.

To resolve this either try an ip range away from 192.168.x.x or try a mobile device to tether as they tend to just behave better. The guys are looking at this.

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When I connect to wifi from router and from android hotspot. Herelink remote unit is successfully connecting and “no internet” is also not there in the connection info.

My particular scenario I was using a router that was 4 - 5 years old. I found that it didn’t like to connect and share data with the herelike unit. I would get errors trying to download the software updates. I did not have access to another 5G internet connection. My solution was to tether the herelink to my laptop. You will need a laptop with dual Wi-Fi or 5G Wi-Fi and Hardline connection. In my case a Hardline to my laptop from my router and I used the 5G to create a hotspot that the herelink could then see and communicate with.