PPK with here 3 / here pro or other uavcan GPS

Is this possible? So far I have had no luck in saving raw data by setting GPS_RAW_DATA =1.

I see GRAW headers in the log file but no GRAW data. Do I need to do something from u-center?

I saw a post suggesting UAVCAN doesn’t support raw messages:

Perhaps that is the issue. If that is the case it would need a upgrade to UAVCAN to support the raw messages, or any work arounds?

F9P does support PPK but HerePro does not support PPK at the current stage.
You will need to wait for the possible further updates.

Also, I don’t think M8P supports PPK unless you do the process by yourself

That’s too bad because for many survey applications RTK isn’t really needed as posterior accurate positions are sufficient and RTK is just another failure point if the link drops out etc.

I have been using a an EMLID for PPK and works well, just the integration with the pixhawk is a little less robust, so for the moment will continue will this approach.

Seems the upgrade path to PPK for the HerePro 3 is a bit complex due to UAVCAN limitations so either that would need to be upgraded to support raw gps or a different communication protocol would be required.

Not sure if there is memory in the Here Pro to store the raw GPS data, and a way to get it out.

Yes. The upgrade process for Here3 to achieve PPK is complete because this is not a function by design. It’s more like making it work under limited resources.

I would suggest waiting for the further updates on HerePro.